
Minecraft: Better than Adventure! mod that adds simple blocks to automate tasks
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      1 package ambos.simpletech;
      3 import net.minecraft.client.sound.block.BlockSounds;
      4 import net.minecraft.core.block.Block;
      5 import net.minecraft.core.block.material.Material;
      6 import net.minecraft.core.block.tag.BlockTags;
      7 import net.minecraft.core.item.Item;
      8 import net.minecraft.core.item.ItemPlaceable;
      9 import net.minecraft.core.util.helper.Direction;
     10 import;
     11 import org.slf4j.Logger;
     12 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
     14 import ambos.simpletech.block.BlockAllocator;
     15 import ambos.simpletech.block.BlockFan;
     16 import ambos.simpletech.block.BlockJumpPad;
     17 import ambos.simpletech.block.BlockLightSensor;
     18 import ambos.simpletech.block.BlockRedstoneNotGate;
     19 import ambos.simpletech.block.BlockTrappedChest;
     20 import ambos.simpletech.block.entity.TileEntityAllocator;
     21 import ambos.simpletech.block.entity.TileEntityFan;
     22 import ambos.simpletech.block.entity.TileEntityLightSensor;
     23 import turniplabs.halplibe.helper.BlockBuilder;
     24 import turniplabs.halplibe.helper.EntityHelper;
     25 import turniplabs.halplibe.helper.ItemHelper;
     26 import turniplabs.halplibe.util.GameStartEntrypoint;
     27 import turniplabs.halplibe.util.TomlConfigHandler;
     28 import turniplabs.halplibe.util.toml.Toml;
     30 public class SimpleTech implements GameStartEntrypoint {
     31     public static final String MOD_ID = "simpletech";
     32     public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MOD_ID);
     33     public static final TomlConfigHandler config;
     34     public static final int FAN_RANGE;
     35     public static final int UNPOWERED_FAN_ID;
     36     public static final int POWERED_FAN_ID;
     37     public static final int JUMP_PAD_ID;
     38     public static final int TRAPPED_CHEST_ID;
     39     public static final int LIGHT_SENSOR_ID;
     40     public static final int ALLOCATOR_ID;
     41     public static final int ALLOCATOR_GUI_ID;
     42     public static final int NOT_GATE_IDLE_ID;
     43     public static final int NOT_GATE_ACTIVE_ID;
     44     public static final int NOT_GATE_ID;
     45     static {
     46         Toml configToml = new Toml();
     47         configToml.addCategory("BlockIDs");
     48         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.UNPOWERED_FAN_ID", 3789);
     49         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.POWERED_FAN_ID", 3790);
     50         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.JUMP_PAD_ID", 3791);
     51         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.TRAPPED_CHEST_ID", 3792);
     52         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.LIGHT_SENSOR_ID", 3793);
     53         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.ALLOCATOR_ID", 3794);
     54         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.NOT_GATE_IDLE_ID", 3795);
     55         configToml.addEntry("BlockIDs.NOT_GATE_ACTIVE_ID", 3796);
     56         configToml.addCategory("ItemIDs");
     57         configToml.addEntry("ItemIDs.NOT_GATE_ID", 28890);
     58         configToml.addCategory("Settings");
     59         configToml.addEntry("Settings.FAN_RANGE", 4);
     60         configToml.addCategory("GUI");
     61         configToml.addEntry("GUI.ALLOCATOR_GUI_ID", 13);
     63         config = new TomlConfigHandler(MOD_ID, configToml);
     64         FAN_RANGE = config.getInt("Settings.FAN_RANGE");
     65         UNPOWERED_FAN_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.UNPOWERED_FAN_ID");
     66         POWERED_FAN_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.POWERED_FAN_ID");
     67         JUMP_PAD_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.JUMP_PAD_ID");
     68         TRAPPED_CHEST_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.TRAPPED_CHEST_ID");
     69         LIGHT_SENSOR_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.LIGHT_SENSOR_ID");
     70         ALLOCATOR_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.ALLOCATOR_ID");
     71         ALLOCATOR_GUI_ID = config.getInt("GUI.ALLOCATOR_GUI_ID");
     72         NOT_GATE_IDLE_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.NOT_GATE_IDLE_ID");
     73         NOT_GATE_ACTIVE_ID = config.getInt("BlockIDs.NOT_GATE_ACTIVE_ID");
     74         NOT_GATE_ID = config.getInt("ItemIDs.NOT_GATE_ID");
     75     }
     77     // Builders
     78     public static final BlockBuilder stoneBlockBuilder = new BlockBuilder(MOD_ID)
     79             .setHardness(1.5f)
     80             .setResistance(10.0f)
     81             .setLuminance(0)
     82             .setBlockSound(BlockSounds.STONE)
     83             .setTags(BlockTags.MINEABLE_BY_PICKAXE);
     84     public static final BlockBuilder fanBuilder = stoneBlockBuilder
     85             .setTopBottomTexture("misc_top_bottom.png")
     86             .setEastTexture("misc_side.png")
     87             .setWestTexture("misc_side.png")
     88             .setNorthTexture("misc_side.png");
     89     public static final BlockBuilder woodenBlockBuilder = new BlockBuilder(MOD_ID)
     90             .setHardness(1.0f)
     91             .setResistance(2.5f)
     92             .setLuminance(0)
     93             .setBlockSound(BlockSounds.WOOD)
     94             .setTags(BlockTags.MINEABLE_BY_AXE);
     95     public static final BlockBuilder gateBlockBuilder = new BlockBuilder(MOD_ID)
     96             .setHardness(0.0f)
     97             .setResistance(0.0f)
     98             .setLuminance(0)
     99             .setBlockSound(BlockSounds.STONE)
    100             .setTags(BlockTags.MINEABLE_BY_AXE, BlockTags.BROKEN_BY_FLUIDS, BlockTags.NOT_IN_CREATIVE_MENU,
    101                     BlockTags.PREVENT_MOB_SPAWNS);
    103     // Blocks
    104     public static final Block unpoweredFan = fanBuilder
    105             .setSouthTexture("fan_front.png")
    106             .build(new BlockFan("fan.unpowered", UNPOWERED_FAN_ID, Material.stone, false));
    107     public static final Block poweredFan = fanBuilder
    108             .setSouthTexture("fan_front_powered.png")
    109             .setTags(BlockTags.NOT_IN_CREATIVE_MENU)
    110             .build(new BlockFan("fan.powered", POWERED_FAN_ID, Material.stone, true));
    111     public static final Block jumpPad = woodenBlockBuilder
    112             .setTextures("jump_pad.png")
    113             .build(new BlockJumpPad("jumppad", JUMP_PAD_ID, Material.wood));
    114     public static final Block trappedChest = woodenBlockBuilder
    115             .setHardness(2.5f)
    116             .setResistance(5.0f)
    117             .setTags(BlockTags.MINEABLE_BY_AXE, BlockTags.FENCES_CONNECT)
    118             .setTickOnLoad()
    119             .build(new BlockTrappedChest("chest.trapped", TRAPPED_CHEST_ID, Material.wood));
    120     public static final Block lightSensor = woodenBlockBuilder
    121             .setTextures("light_sensor.png")
    122             .build(new BlockLightSensor("lightsensor", LIGHT_SENSOR_ID, Material.wood));
    123     public static final Block allocator = stoneBlockBuilder
    124             .setTopTexture("allocator_back_top_bottom.png")
    125             .setBottomTexture("allocator_front_top_bottom.png")
    126             .setEastTexture("misc_side.png")
    127             .setWestTexture("misc_top_bottom.png")
    128             .setNorthTexture("allocator_back.png")
    129             .setSouthTexture("allocator_front.png")
    130             .build(new BlockAllocator("allocator", ALLOCATOR_ID, Material.stone, true, true));
    131     public static final Block notGateIdle = gateBlockBuilder
    132             .setTopTexture("gate_top.png")
    133             .setNorthTexture("gate_top.png")
    134             .setEastTexture("gate_top.png")
    135             .setWestTexture("gate_top.png")
    136             .setSouthTexture("gate_top.png")
    137             .setBottomTexture("gate_top.png")
    138             .build(new BlockRedstoneNotGate("not.gate.idle", NOT_GATE_IDLE_ID, Material.decoration, false));
    139     public static final Block notGateActive = gateBlockBuilder
    140             .setTopTexture("gate_top_powered.png")
    141             .setNorthTexture("gate_top_powered.png")
    142             .setEastTexture("gate_top_powered.png")
    143             .setWestTexture("gate_top_powered.png")
    144             .setSouthTexture("gate_top_powered.png")
    145             .setBottomTexture("gate_top_powered.png")
    146             .build(new BlockRedstoneNotGate("", NOT_GATE_ACTIVE_ID, Material.decoration, true));
    148     // Items
    149     public static final Item notGate = ItemHelper.createItem(MOD_ID,
    150             new ItemPlaceable("not.gate", NOT_GATE_ID, notGateIdle), "not.gate", "not_logicate.png");
    152     @Override
    153     public void beforeGameStart() {
    154         // Entities.
    155         EntityHelper.Core.createTileEntity(TileEntityFan.class, "Fan");
    156         EntityHelper.Core.createTileEntity(TileEntityLightSensor.class, "Light Sensor");
    157         EntityHelper.Core.createTileEntity(TileEntityAllocator.class, "Allocator");
    158"Simple Tech initialized");
    159     }
    161     @Override
    162     public void afterGameStart() {
    164     }
    166     public static int setBit(int number, int position, int bit) {
    167         int mask = 1 << position;
    168         return (number & ~mask) | ((bit << position) & mask);
    169     }
    171     public static int getBit(int number, int offset) {
    172         return (number >> offset) & 1;
    173     }
    175     public static int getRedstoneFromMetadata(int metadata, int redstoneOffset) {
    176         return getBit(metadata, redstoneOffset);
    177     }
    179     public static int getInvertedFromMetadata(int metadata, int invertedOffset) {
    180         return getBit(metadata, invertedOffset);
    181     }
    183     public static int getMetaWithRedstone(int metadata, int redstone, int redstoneOffset) {
    184         return setBit(metadata, redstoneOffset, redstone);
    185     }
    187     public static int getMetaWithInverted(int metadata, int inverted, int invertedOffset) {
    188         return setBit(metadata, invertedOffset, inverted);
    189     }
    191     public static int get3DDirectionFromMeta(int metadata) {
    192         return metadata & 7;
    193     }
    195     public static int getOppositeDirectionById(int i) {
    196         return Direction.getDirectionById(i).getOpposite().getId();
    197     }
    199     public static int getDirectionX(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
    200         int direction = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
    201         int dx = 0;
    203         if (direction == Direction.WEST.getId()) {
    204             dx = 1;
    205         }
    207         if (direction == Direction.EAST.getId()) {
    208             dx = -1;
    209         }
    211         return dx;
    212     }
    214     public static int getDirectionY(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
    215         int direction = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
    216         int dy = 0;
    218         if (direction == Direction.DOWN.getId()) {
    219             dy = 1;
    220         }
    222         if (direction == Direction.UP.getId()) {
    223             dy = -1;
    224         }
    226         return dy;
    227     }
    229     public static int getDirectionZ(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
    230         int direction = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
    231         int dz = 0;
    233         if (direction == Direction.NORTH.getId()) {
    234             dz = 1;
    235         }
    237         if (direction == Direction.SOUTH.getId()) {
    238             dz = -1;
    239         }
    241         return dz;
    242     }
    243 }