1 package ambos.simpletech.block; 2 3 import net.minecraft.core.block.Block; 4 import net.minecraft.core.block.entity.TileEntity; 5 import net.minecraft.core.block.material.Material; 6 import net.minecraft.core.entity.EntityLiving; 7 import net.minecraft.core.enums.EnumDropCause; 8 import net.minecraft.core.item.ItemStack; 9 import net.minecraft.core.util.helper.Direction; 10 import net.minecraft.core.util.helper.Side; 11 import; 12 import; 13 14 import java.util.Random; 15 16 import ambos.simpletech.SimpleTech; 17 18 public class BlockRedstoneNotGate extends Block { 19 private final boolean isPowered; 20 21 public BlockRedstoneNotGate(String key, int id, Material material, boolean isPowered) { 22 super(key, id, material); 23 this.isPowered = isPowered; 24 } 25 26 @Override 27 public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(World world, int x, int y, int z) { 28 // Sets block shape when placed. 29 this.setBlockBounds(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.125f, 1.0f); 30 } 31 32 @Override 33 public void setBlockBoundsForItemRender() { 34 // Sets block shape when rendered inside containers. 35 this.setBlockBounds(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.125f, 1.0f); 36 } 37 38 @Override 39 public boolean isSolidRender() { 40 return false; 41 } 42 43 @Override 44 public boolean renderAsNormalBlock() { 45 return false; 46 } 47 48 @Override 49 public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, int x, int y, int z) { 50 return !world.canPlaceOnSurfaceOfBlock(x, y - 1, z) ? false : super.canPlaceBlockAt(world, x, y, z); 51 } 52 53 @Override 54 public ItemStack[] getBreakResult(World world, EnumDropCause dropCause, int x, int y, int z, int meta, 55 TileEntity tileEntity) { 56 return new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(SimpleTech.notGate) }; 57 } 58 59 @Override 60 public boolean canBlockStay(World world, int x, int y, int z) { 61 return !world.canPlaceOnSurfaceOfBlock(x, y - 1, z) ? false : super.canBlockStay(world, x, y, z); 62 } 63 64 @Override 65 public void updateTick(World world, int x, int y, int z, Random rand) { 66 int metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); 67 boolean shouldPower = this.shouldPowerAdjacentBlocks(world, x, y, z, metadata); 68 if (this.isPowered && !shouldPower) { 69 world.setBlockAndMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z,, metadata); 70 } else if (!this.isPowered) { 71 world.setBlockAndMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z,, metadata); 72 } 73 } 74 75 @Override 76 public int getBlockTextureFromSideAndMetadata(Side side, int j) { 77 if (side == Side.BOTTOM) { 78 return !this.isPowered ? texCoordToIndex(3, 7) : texCoordToIndex(3, 6); 79 } else if (side == Side.TOP) { 80 return !this.isPowered ? texCoordToIndex(3, 8) : texCoordToIndex(3, 9); 81 } else { 82 return texCoordToIndex(5, 0); 83 } 84 } 85 86 @Override 87 public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(WorldSource blockAccess, int x, int y, int z, int side) { 88 // Don't render bottom and top textures to avoid z-fighting with modified 89 // renderer. 90 return side != Side.BOTTOM.getId() && side != Side.TOP.getId(); 91 } 92 93 @Override 94 public boolean isIndirectlyPoweringTo(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side) { 95 return this.isPoweringTo(world, x, y, z, side); 96 } 97 98 @Override 99 public boolean isPoweringTo(WorldSource blockAccess, int x, int y, int z, int side) { 100 int direction = blockAccess.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z) & 3; 101 if (!this.isPowered) { 102 if (direction == Direction.EAST.getHorizontalIndex() && side == Side.EAST.getId()) { 103 return false; 104 } else if (direction == Direction.NORTH.getHorizontalIndex() && side == Side.NORTH.getId()) { 105 return false; 106 } else if (direction == Direction.SOUTH.getHorizontalIndex() && side == Side.SOUTH.getId()) { 107 return false; 108 } else if (direction == Direction.WEST.getHorizontalIndex() && side == Side.WEST.getId()) { 109 return false; 110 } else { 111 return true; 112 } 113 } else { 114 return false; 115 } 116 } 117 118 @Override 119 public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, int x, int y, int z, int blockId) { 120 if (!this.canBlockStay(world, x, y, z)) { 121 this.dropBlockWithCause(world, EnumDropCause.WORLD, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z), null); 122 world.setBlockWithNotify(x, y, z, 0); 123 } else { 124 int metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); 125 boolean shouldPower = this.shouldPowerAdjacentBlocks(world, x, y, z, metadata); 126 if (this.isPowered && !shouldPower) { 127 world.scheduleBlockUpdate(x, y, z,, 1); 128 } else if (!this.isPowered && shouldPower) { 129 world.scheduleBlockUpdate(x, y, z,, 1); 130 } 131 } 132 } 133 134 @Override 135 public boolean canProvidePower() { 136 return false; 137 } 138 139 @Override 140 public void onBlockPlaced(World world, int x, int y, int z, Side side, EntityLiving entity, double sideHeight) { 141 int metadata = entity.getHorizontalPlacementDirection(side).getHorizontalIndex(); 142 world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x, y, z, metadata); 143 boolean shouldPower = this.shouldPowerAdjacentBlocks(world, x, y, z, metadata); 144 if (shouldPower) { 145 world.scheduleBlockUpdate(x, y, z,, 1); 146 } 147 } 148 149 @Override 150 public void onBlockAdded(World world, int i, int j, int k) { 151 world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(i + 1, j, k,; 152 world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(i - 1, j, k,; 153 world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(i, j, k + 1,; 154 world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(i, j, k - 1,; 155 world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(i, j - 1, k,; 156 world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange(i, j + 1, k,; 157 } 158 159 private boolean shouldPowerAdjacentBlocks(World world, int i, int j, int k, int metadata) { 160 int direction = metadata & 3; 161 switch (direction) { 162 case 0: 163 return world.isBlockIndirectlyProvidingPowerTo(i, j, k + 1, 3) || 164 world.getBlockId(i, j, k + 1) == && 165 world.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k + 1) > 0; 166 case 1: 167 return world.isBlockIndirectlyProvidingPowerTo(i - 1, j, k, 4) || 168 world.getBlockId(i - 1, j, k) == && 169 world.getBlockMetadata(i - 1, j, k) > 0; 170 case 2: 171 return world.isBlockIndirectlyProvidingPowerTo(i, j, k - 1, 2) || 172 world.getBlockId(i, j, k - 1) == && 173 world.getBlockMetadata(i, j, k - 1) > 0; 174 case 3: 175 return world.isBlockIndirectlyProvidingPowerTo(i + 1, j, k, 5) || 176 world.getBlockId(i + 1, j, k) == && 177 world.getBlockMetadata(i + 1, j, k) > 0; 178 default: 179 return false; 180 } 181 } 182 }